Sunday, April 23, 2017

Yeti 100 Training Begins!

Today was my first day of training for my 1st 100mi.  Well, actually, it’s not.  The first day is a week from today.  I wanted to get started as close to the beginning of April that I could manage.  Let me back up a bit.

This month marks the beginning of my training to run my first 100mi event, The Yeti 100.  The race is at the end of September.  I am following a training plan by  Alicja told me about this plan and said that it’s recommended by others.  Halbert is using the same plan (no, it’s not intentionally gender-specific (although I can’t imagine what that would entail).  Our goal is to be able to run the entire race together.  As of right now, my average pace is anywhere between 10:30-12:00 if I run a marathon or more.  Halbert’s pace is a little bit slower, which is why we are training with the same plan.  I’m excited that we are aiming to complete this plan and race together.  I really hope that we can find a way to arrive at the same pace during our training period. 
I started my training one week earlier, and with a modified mileage.  The first week of training starts with 4/6/4/16/10mi on Tue/Wed/Thur/Sat/Sun.  For my first unofficial week, I planned for 3/5/3/7 and then run the Athens Marathon on Sunday.  I chose to start early because I haven’t been running at all.  It takes a real toll on your body when you only run races on the weekend.  I thought that with the Athens Marathon coming up that I would need a few days to get back into some sort of shape. 
Today was tough.  I feel fat and lazy and heavy.  It reminds me of the feeling you have when you first step out of the swimming pool after swimming all day.  You feel sooo heavy and exhausted. I really want and need to lose some weight so that I can feel better when I’m running.  I think that with weight loss I’ll also have the chance to run faster.

Overall, I’m excited for this event and the training.  It’s not too intimidating since I’ve already conquered a 100k.  I think the main challenge will be avoiding injury, and staying motivated.  When I’m hurting, I’m not motivated.  Ultimately, with this race, my goal is to finish sub 24, and not feel like a train ran me over.  I want to feel great and energized, like I did with Pistol.  I do have the goal of finishing with Halbert, but we also have an understanding when we run.  We don’t hold each other back since our paces differ.  If, for some reason, we can’t match paces throughout the race, I will still plan to finish sub 24.